首页»恐怖片 » 灰天鹅绒上的四只苍蝇 » HD中字
类型:悬疑 惊悚 恐怖 地区:其它 年份:1971 
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Roberto, a drummer in a rock band, keeps receiving weird phone calls and being followed by a mysterious man. One night he manages to catch up with his persecutor and tries to get him to talk but in the ensuing struggle he accidentally stabs him. He runs away, but he understands his troubles have just begun when the following day he receives an envelope with photos of him killing the man. Someone is killing all his friends and trying to frame him for the murders...
  • 冲突1945


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    Dana Mackin,Robert Christopher Smith,Natalie De Vincentiis,莎拉·弗伦奇,Meg Schimelpfenig,Mark Chinnery,Ernest Bean,Merle Bean,Sean Berube,Billy Carter,Lynn Clemons,James Davis,Mary Dufresne,Megan Dufresne,Jenny Fisher

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    苏西·布洛克,Eric Mencis,David Morales

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    安娜丽丝·巴索,连姆·艾肯,麦克纳利·萨加尔,乔·阿德勒,金姆利·史密斯,Gaby Santinelli,Dylan Gentile

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